Debug interface
It is strongly recommended to use a debug/JTAG probe during program development. The low-cost MCU-Link (Pro) or LPC-Link2 are excellent choices. Keil ULINK2 and ULINKplus, as well as Segger JLINK, are also excellent debug probes.
There is a Cortex Debug interface connector (J11) on the uCOM Carrier board. It is a 2x5 pos, 50 mil pitch connector with a shroud. Note that pin 7 is present. Some debug probe connectors have plugged pin 7. Such a cable connector cannot be used.
Note that due to the powering sequencing requirements on the i.MX family, the debug probe I/O voltage MUST follow the i.MX I/O voltage.
The debug adapter must not drive any output higher than the Vcc/Vref voltage (and if that voltage is zero, then the debug adapter must not drive any output signal). Vcc/Vref is pin 1 on J11.
Make sure the debug probe does not have a fixed output voltage, but rather follow Vcc/Vref. If using LPC-Link2 as debug interface, make sure there is NO jumper inserted in JP2 on the LPC-Link2.
This section describes the steps necessary to get the Segger J-TRACE to work with NXP MCUXpresso and Keil uVision. The same instructions are likely to work for Segger J-LINK as well, but it has not been verified.
Install J-LINK Software
Use version v6.90a or later to get the best support for J-TRACE/J-LINK. The latest version can be found here:
Build and then launch the debugger. MCUXpresso will detect the J-LINK / J-TRACE and configure itself correctly.
Keil uVision
All projects have been configured to use CMSIS-DAP as debug hardware. Follow the steps below to switch to J-LINK/J-TRACE.
Change the Debugger from the default CMSIS-DAP to J-LINK / J-TRACE Cortex, as shown in picture below.
Open the settings dialog and change to the following settings.
Switch to the Flash Download tab and make sure that the flash algorithm is correct for the MCU according to this table.
Product | Flash description |
iMX RT1064 | MIMXRT106x 4mB Winbond QSPI Flash, 4M, On-chip Flash |
iMX RT1166 | MIMXRT117x 16mB QuadSPI NOR Flash, 16M, Ext Flash SPI |
iMX RT1176 | MIMXRT117x 16mB QuadSPI NOR Flash, 16M, Ext Flash SPI |